Working It Out – Fitness Planner Bootcamp

Hi there, Magpies! It’s Victoria, and I’m here to take you to Fitness Planner Bootcamp! Okay, this sounds more intense than it actually is. Today I’m going to be talking about adding a fitness planner into your Happy Planner line up and how I set up my fitness pages.
But before we start a quick note. Don’t be put off by all this “fitness” talk. I’m not here to promote actual work out plans or diets. No way! I am going to be showing you my personal planner, what I track and why, and how you can use these pages IF YOU WANT. No pressure here. Just my experiences and an honest look at my planner set up.

So…how are those New Year’s Resolutions going?

It’s February. Traditionally the month when Resolutions fall to the wayside right? Especially all those lofty goals of working out all the time and getting healthy. Life gets busy again and you feel like throwing in the towel now that January’s goal season is over. Trust me I am totally someone who does this, year in and year out. I set goals and then I give up. Well for 2019 I wanted to be different. I wanted to make my health a priority and stay accountable to myself so I picked up the Healthy Hero Classic Planner by The Happy Planner.

Now the wonderful thing about this planner is that although it is technically a “fitness” planner, you can use it however you want. Whether that is focusing more on wellness and self-care, tracking your stats at the gym or focusing on eating more wholesome foods, the planner is easily customisable and absolutely zero pressure! Seriously, that is my favourite thing about it. There is no pressure to be a certain way. And if you follow The Happy Planner founder, Stephanie Fleming, on Instagram, you will know first hand that this is their approach to all things health, wellness and fitness.

A little less fitness planner a bit more Healthy Hero

Throughout January I used my Healthy Hero as a separate planner alongside my everyday planner and I am happy to report that I actually kept up with it! For February, however, I wanted to combine my planners so I didn’t have to keep lugging loads of books around. So I popped out the February pages in my Healthy Hero and put them in my everyday planner. And isn’t that just the greatest thing about The Happy Planner?! Being able to take pages on and off the discs easily is brilliant. It means you can put multiple different inserts on one set of discs, or add sections to your main planner for topics you also want to track. It’s genius!

Let’s get down to the business of building a layout

Like with my everyday planner I like to get my week set up mostly in advanced. As usual, I start with the sidebar. I find that working from left to right makes it easier for me to build a balanced spread.

In the sidebar, there is already a water tracker printed on the pages so I don’t need to create one. If you don’t track your water intake just pop a sticker over it! I do add in a couple of habit trackers from the Productivity sticker value pack because I am really trying to build good habits this year. These two are for taking vitamins and closing the rings on my AppleWatch. Above the trackers, I have some free space. Sometimes I put a motivating quote here, but this week I went with this routine sticker from the Healthy Hero Multipack so I could note down some things I want to add to my morning and night routines.

Getting all the important stuff covered in stickers

The main bulk of the layout is already separated into different sections for you. At the top there is a Today section, then Focus, Food Log and Exercise. In the Today area, I note down when I am going to work out and what I do. I like to use these workout log stickers from the Fitness sticker value pack. On days I’m not working out I use more quote stickers or write down a little sum up of the day health-wise. In the Focus boxes, I highlight my focus of the day. Anything from going to bed early to taking more standing breaks. I like to use the prompt stickers from the Mini Healthy Hero sticker value pack because they align with the kinds of things I want to focus on. In the Food Log I do just that, record everything I eat each day. I breakdown the box into smaller chuncks using meal stickers from the Healthy Hero sticker value pack. I like using different types of stickers to break up the layout and stop it looking too samey.

Finally in the Exercise portion I write down my AppleWatch stats for each day. I know they are recorded digitally but I want a paper version too. These clear stickers from both the Mini Healthy Hero sticker value pack and the Healthy Hero sticker value pack are excellent because they match the AppleWatch tracking statistics perfectly.

A couple of final touches

Another thing I like to do is add some washi tape down in the Exercise section to fill up some space and add some more decoration. This workout washi is from the Healthy Hero washi tape bundle.

With all my stickers down my layout is complete for the week! I keep it fairly simple and leave myself lots of space to write but I do like to add lots of motivational quotes to keep me feeling pumped all week long.

When it comes to filling in my fitness planner I colour code each day. I choosed the colours at random, then colour in the blank date number at the top of the page. This helps me remeber what colour I chose. When I’m filling in each column and the water tracker I use the  corresponding colour. I find it keeps the spreads neat, readble and cohesive as well as bright and fun!

There’s more than just the weeklies

Alongside my weekly spread, I use the monthly in my Healthy Hero planner to pre-plan my workouts and track every time I reach a mini goal, like walking 10,000 steps. I like seeing my entire month in one go because it helps me to see where my peaks and troughs are so I can counterbalance them.

As well as the monthly spread I also use the monthly dashboard as my jumping off point for the whole month. I set my three top goals at the start of the month and then at the end I do some reflection on my progress and track my average statistics. To make February a bit different, I cut up a journaling card from the Healthy Hero Multipack and stuck it over some things I don’t use that are printed on the page.

Fitness planner bootcamp is over…time for a cool down

And just like that another spread is done and dusted. I hope this exploration of the Healthy Hero fitness planner has encouraged you to add one to your Happy Planner line up for the rest of 2019. There is another cover to choose from if you don’t like the girl on the front of this one and there is a mini version too! Perfect if you want to take it with you to the gym! Do keep an eye on my Instagram, veryimportantplans, for an update on this layout at the end of the week. And come back on the 19th for another blog post from me! Stay golden Magpies!

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