The Coronavirus Chronicles Part 2 | Jo Boland
Hey there, I’m back with the second part of The Coronavirus Chronicles! You can find the first part here. I’ve used the lovely Simple Stories Quarantined collection for my album along with a Simple Stories 6×8 Sn@p flipbook and additional packs of 6×8 page protectors. The design is repeated through the album, I often go for that process. I used some timeline templates by Persnickerty Prints after a quick google search, but it would be easy enough to make your own. Last month you’ll recall that I had handwritten in the Coronavirus timeline details and I wasn’t too happy with my handwriting. Well I went back and typed it all up and replaced the pages, I much prefer the neater, more official look of it now. I kept my handwriting on the journaling side of the inserts though.
The Coronavirus Chronicles – Part 2
June 2020
Current Reality paper (yellow), Virtual Life paper cut out cards (back of insert) and Quarantined stickers (all stickers used are from this sheet unless stated otherwise). Month stickers up to December are from the Simple Stories Hello Today Sticker Book.
July 2020
Virtual Life paper (striped) and cut out journaling card, fussy cut heart from Quarantine Life paper.
August 2020
No Germs Allowed paper (hearts), cut out cards from Virtual Life and Current Reality papers.
September 2020
No Germs Allowed paper (masks, anti-bac and toilet rolls), cut out cards from Virtual Life paper.
October 2020
Virtual Life paper (striped) and Current Reality paper cut out journaling card.
November 2020
Current Reality paper (yellow and journaling card) and Virtual Life paper (journaling card).
December 2020
Paper 8 from the Pink Paislee ‘And Many More’ collection (spotty paper), journaling cards from Virtual Life paper, coffee cup sticker from Simple Stories Hello Today sticker sheet and word sticker from Hello Today sticker book.
January 2021
Quarantine Life paper (viruses), journaling card from Current Reality paper, stickers from collection sheet. Month circle stickers for January and February are from the Simple Stories Hello Today 12×12 sticker sheet.
February 2021
Virtual Life paper (stripes), journaling cards from Virtual Life and Current Reality papers.
I will continue the monthly updates certainly at least until May, but potentially longer if necessary (fingers crossed it won’t be).
There’s just been another restock on this collection in the Hey Little Magpie shop, you can find them all here. You can also find all Lockdown/Coronavirus themed products here.
See you next month with a new collection, take care.