Freckled Fawn – My 1st Traveler's Notebook
Hi there Magpies, Sheena here today x
For my post this month I decided to do something totally different for me and try a Traveler’s Notebook from Freckled Fawn. In the shops planner and stationary section there are a number of traveler’s notebooks by different manufacturers for you to choose from. In the past I used to write a diary when I was away but over time I’ve stopped doing this & Im hoping using a Traveler’s Notebook will get me back into it.
To go with my Freckled Fawn traveler’s notebook I also chose some of their flatter embellishments to use including arrows, labels, hearts and stars.
I also packed some 6×6 patterned papers from my stash, a few 3×4 project life cards, wash tapes, pens, scissors, tape runner… all ready to take away with me.
Fast forward 3 weeks and Im now home from a week in Hong Kong. Whilst I was away I didn’t get as much of my traveler’s notebook completed as I would have like but that was because we were enjoying ourselves and filling every moment. So I jotted down notes and collected paper ephemera and have continued working on the pages since we have returned.
I’ve tried to stay with a similar format for each day for continuity and made the photo colleges whilst away in a phone app & emailed them to myself at home so they were ready to print and add to my travellers notebook.
Here are a few pages.
Hotel coaster, stamped title & leaflet picture added as I documented our first day.
Ticket, wristband, packaging detail all added to tell our cable car story.
Tram ticket and meal receipt added to remember where we had been.
Business cards and Chinese paper added to help remember this trip.
A Big Bus map included with tab to open showing our open top route.
Our metro card & MTR map showing how we got around.
So far I’ve completed 20+ pages but still have 3 days left to finish which I hope to do as soon as possible as I’m loving how by writing this Traveler’s Notebook I’m reliving our holiday as I put pen to paper.
I certainly would try and do this when I get a chance to travel again.
Till next time x
Traveler’s Notebook
Freckled Fawn embellishments