Dare To Dash – Discover The Dashboard Layout

Hey there Magpies! This week I’m trying yet another Happy Planner weekly layout, the Dashboard! Originally from the limited edition and sold out Super Mom planners, the Dashboard layout comes in Classic, Mini and Big for 2019-2020. My current favourite, other than my actual planner, is the Jewel Paint Splash Deluxe Classic because I love all the bright watercolours and the gold metallic discs. If you’re not keen on this one, check out the full range of new 2019-2020 Happy Planners here.

The Dashboard layout consists of two parts. The catch-all spread on the left and the days of the week, with a meal plan section on the right. It is the perfect layout if you want an overview of your week all in one place or if you don’t have loads of plans to write down every week. I also like to use it as an on the go planner, especially in the Mini size.

Spring Has Sprung
I used my Dashboard layout for the last week in March because I really needed an overview of what I was doing. March was a pretty busy month for me and the Dashboard layout helped me keep on track. And as there was a definite feel of Spring in the air I knew that had to be my theme. To narrow done my choices for the spread I decided to only use three sticker value packs for the whole week. I settled on the Super Mom sticker value pack because it is specially sized to fit the Dashboard layout. Then two of the new sticker value packs, Essential Planning and Happy Year.

Digging In To The Dashboard
As per usual I started my spread by covering the large Mum related quote printed on the left-hand page using a fun watering can sticker from the Happy Year sticker value pack. I don’t think it’s a spread unless I am massively whiting out a section at this point!

A great way to create flow in your spread is to mirror similar stickers in opposite spaces. So I used this large bike sticker to cover the shaded errands portion on the page and tie in with the watering can sticker.

Then I created my grocery list and a little space for gratitude. In the next portion, I used another large sticker, this one is from the new Essential Planning sticker value pack and it is perfect for highlighting my top moment from the week. I used more stickers from the same pack for the chores section. The clean house sticker is especially cute!

At the bottom of the page, I kept it simple and used the large section as a don’t forget zone. This beautiful cake sticker is from the Essential Planning sticker value pack and I paired it with a birthday script sticker from the Super Mom sticker value pack. The amazing rose gold event stickers were a fun find in the back of the Happy Year sticker value pack.

This half of my spread was key to my week. It contained lots of functional elements and I loved how cohesive it looked all planned out!

Into The Nitty Gritty
The left-hand side of the Dashboard layout is always more detailed for me. I started off by changing up the weekly tracker at the top, making it

Overall, last week was a pretty mixed bag for me. Some days were really busy and others were super chilled out. I thought it would be fun to go day by day and build out my schedule!
Monday – work, errands and a coffee date with myself in Starbucks. I am obsessed with the Matcha Tea Latte!

Tuesday – day off, driving lesson and a phone bill. Ugh…don’t you just hate bills?!

Also, side note, never

Wednesday – another day off, another driving lesson and chores. I crammed in the driving lessons this week because my test is in April!

Thursday – work, and even more errands. I basically had to run around town for a million things.

Friday – more like Fri-yay! Pay day finally, more work and Dumbo was released even though I didn’t actually go to see it.

Saturday – day off, driving lesson and nothing else! I have to have at least one do nothing day a week!

Sunday – who works on a Sunday? Me, that’s who! Had to give myself another reminder that the clock’s changed, and I eventually went grocery shopping too!

All planned out my week was really easy to follow thanks to the Dashboard layout. Having a clear but concise space for each day stops you overfilling it with tasks and appointments.

Hey Look, It’s After The Pen

There’s nothing like a filled in

On the flip side, I also kept up with my two main habits. Logging them in my planner each night kept me accountable to myself and my long term goals!

With both halves of my Dashboard layout for the week side by side, you can really see how they worked together to keep my plans in order. The right-hand side was almost like a bulletin board. Imagine sticky notes on the fridge but much more organised. Then the left was my top plans which also kept me from getting overwhelmed as the week went on. With the planner open on my desk I could see a bird’s eye view of my week and I found that so helpful. Seriously, the Dashboard layout is a fantastic switch up from the traditional planner spread styles!

And just like that, I’m done for another week. I hope I’ve inspired you to give the Dashboard layout a try! I’d love to see what you come up with so get in contact over on Instagram, and follow me @veryimportantplans, for more fun-filled planning content! Keep an eye out for my next post and of course, stay golden Magpies!