Carta Bella – let’s Travel – Journal 2 | Sheena Rowlands
Hi there Magpies, Sheena here again x
In my last post I shared with you a Travellers notebook I was trying to complete whilst actually away. This is a first for me as I usually make my journals once I’m home. I used Carta Bella ephemera and a few 12×12 papers as my base.
I realised early in our week away that there wasn’t much paper ephemera for me to include in my album from this resort but that was ok it just meant I would include more photos instead.
Excuse the poor photo but this was my makeshift desk during our holiday. It helped having everything out so I could grab a few minutes here and there to work on it.
The Lets Travel cut out stamps and ephemera were great for embellishing the pages, making them look interesting whilst keeping the pages flat enough for me to journal on.
I also used strips of the 12×12 papers like wash tape top and bottom of some pages.
As you can see I got myself into a format I liked and used it repeatedly to add some continuity to the pages.
I documented our last day after we got home and also added all the larger photos which I had e mailed home each day ready to be printed.
I then went back through it one last time adding a few little extras to finish it off.
I’m so pleased with how this travellers notebook turned out and a great bonus that it just needed finishing touches when we got home. I left the cover at home & I added a couple of keyring to the spine to make it identifiable when its on my shelves.
A few lessons learned …
I like straight edges & would consider a small travel trimmer.
I took too much with me.
I didn’t use the stamps, inks or much of the 12×12 papers whilst away.
Taking pre stamped images worked well & I’d do this again.
By restricting my supplies it made my choices easier – I removed all the die cuts in advance that I knew I wouldn’t use.
I hope these posts have proved helpful if you are new to Travellers Notebooks. Do share with us your makes over on our Facebook group.
Till next time x
Supplies use –