A bits and pieces post.
One of my favourite presents to give for Christmas ( yes I said that word) is a box of homemade cards. My relatives ( especially my nan) loves to receive cards that she can use to give to people over the coming year. So about this time most years I start on a big mass card production.
I chose to work with Paige Evans line Turn the Page and I am so glad I did. Its gorgeous! Here are the cards that I made using them.
I love the fact that even though both of these cards are from the same collection the variety of colours in the line means you can make completely different coloured projects!
And then I came upon the tea cup paper….and my heart sang…my mum loves tea and teacups so this paper was perfect for a card for her.
I just wish I actually had these tea cups in real life! How pretty would they be all lined up like that in real life.
I also made a page with this line as well. This has been used as a challenge over on the Facebook page..but I thought I would post it here as well. The challenge was the use a pattern paper to be your inspiration for your page. I love the two by two papers that Paige Evans creates in her collections and I used that as my inspiration for this page. So pop over and join in the challenge there!
And because I loved that tea cup paper so much I had to make something for my planner using it
I cut out the some of the teacups and the coffee mug and made them into cute planner clips! How cute are they!
And then I had to use the last few remaining tea cups I had left on the paper to make myself a bookmark for my planner!
I mounted the film strip onto acetate and punched the hole out so it could go in the planner!Im going to need about five sheets of these tea cups!
Thanks for popping in!